Friday, October 27, 2006


De närmaste veckorna framåt kommer vi att jobba och prata mycket om "tid". Inte bara klockan analogt och digitalt utan även veckor, månader och dagar på ett år o.s.v.
Matteläxan framöver kommer också att handa om detta.
Vi kommer också disktera vad följande uttryck som ofta, sällan, ibland, aldrig, alltid, snart egentligen betyder.

The coming weeks we are going to work a lot with the theme "time". We are going to work with following questions:
How many days are going on a year?
How many weeks are going on a year?
How many months are going on a year?
And of course how to say and write "what time it is".
We are also talking about how you can write the date of the day in differents ways.
The following words are also going to be discussed a lot during this weeks: often, rare, sometimes, never, always and soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is very good and lam only looking to finish our exams and get down to seeing that we mve ahead.My kids donig the exams .